In your help, Northern Uganda may find its future.
Malaria, intestinal or respiratory infections, and sickle cell anemia, a painful genetic blood disease, are the reasons children most often need treatment.
With a periodic donation, you will be alongside Lacor staff every day to visit and treat the children who flock to the outpatient clinic and Pediatrics department.
At the end of the day, our pride in having saved and protected hundreds of children will be yours too!
In Uganda, 48 out of every 1,000 children do not make it to their fifth birthday. In the north of the country, more than half of the people live on less than a dollar a day-it’s a poverty that affects the weakest. Malaria, pneumonia, septicemia, anemia, infectious diarrhea and malnutrition–these are the main causes of hospitalization, and unfortunately death, among children. Poverty diseases that can be prevented and that we can cure. Thanks to your help!
With less than 50 cents a day, 15 euros a month you can take care of children waiting to be treated in the hospital.
Thanks to you, thanks to your regular donation, children will be able to receive the general and specialized pediatric care they need every day in the outpatient clinics or wards.
Fill out the SDD activation form to begin your support for the children, we will activate the periodic donation and give you confirmation by e-mail and mail.
If you would like to contact us for more information about periodic donation you can call or write to Valentina Colini at
You can activate your periodical donation by clicking here too.
Periodic giving is a choice, a moral commitment, not a constraint. If for any reason you are unable to continue, you may suspend or cancel your periodic donation by notifying the Corti Foundation and your bank.
Children cured, lives saved will be the greatest satisfaction and joy you will receive from your daily support. We will write to you to tell you their stories and update you on what we are able to accomplish because of your donation. You will also receive the “News from Lacor” magazine three times a year and our electronic newsletter every month.
Compila il modulo di attivazione SDD per iniziare il tuo sostegno a favore delle donne, attiveremo la donazione periodica e te ne daremo conferma via e-mail e via posta.
Se desideri contattarci per avere maggiori informazioni sulla donazione periodica puoi telefonare o scrivere a Valentina Colini
Puoi attivare la tua donazione periodica anche online
La donazione periodica è una scelta, un impegno morale, non un vincolo. Se per qualsiasi motivo sarai impossibilitato a proseguire, potrai sospendere o annullare la donazione periodica avvisando la Fondazione Corti e la tua banca.
Le donne curate, le vite salvate saranno la soddisfazione e la gioia più grande che riceverai dal tuo sostegno quotidiano. Noi ti scriveremo per raccontarti le loro storie e aggiornarti su quanto riusciremo a fare grazie alla tua donazione. Inoltre, riceverai tre volte all’anno la rivista “Notizie dal Lacor” e ogni mese la nostra newsletter elettronica.